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Is web 3 all hype? Should I be a Blockchain Developer?


One of the hottest tech-word we hear now days is web 3. Some groups telling it the future of internet. Is that correct? If so, what do they solve?

In this article, we dig deep into all web 3 aspects and try to understand this internet revolution.

First, what is Web3?

Is Web3 is all hype?

No, Web3 can be the future of the internet, but it would be challenging. There are many problems yet to be solved to make this trend reality.

At first people thought web 1&2 all just buzzword now web 3. I am not suggesting it's the future, but every change has an element of disbelief. So we can’t say web 3 is the future or hype by just people's opinion.

Yes, it is a very demanding career, but it comes with challenges. There is about 500% growth in blockchain development. This field highest growth and have very good salary. These roles are not always entry level, so students with no prior experience may find hard to find a job. So it's better to make a portfolio with exceptional projects.

Being project oriented and making connection will pay off. Join different communities and share your work.

The Problems with Web 2

Web 3 has many problems in which many of them Web 3 is solving. These are the investments of Web 3.

How to start a web 3 career

Web 3 is highly demanding and there are many opportunities but that doesn’t mean its easy.There is good demand in web w3 developers but you have to prove and specialize.There are options other than web developers and many of them I discuss below

Even though there is many haters and supporters in web3 its still a good career path.Web 3 is continuously evolving so as the job marketplace.Being early adopter and continuously working hard will help to get you an once in lifetime opportunity.

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